Yesterday I put fresh clean sheets on my/our bed. Don't you just love the crisp feeling of clean sheets? My mother taught me to fold sheets well, which I think adds to the crispness. She would always say she learned to fold sheets while she worked in a department store. Ponder that for a moment - in the early seventies, sheets were not in plastic casings when you purchased them. So when I awoke in the night, tucked neatly in my crisp, clean bed and noticed my husband was not there I mused, "Poor sucker, missing out on the nice clean sheets."
Pride definitely goeth before this girl falls. You see, he slept on the couch because after he wrenched himself away from shooting bad guys and came to bed at O'Dark Thirty, he found our smallest son. Once the "poor sucker" was able to snuggle in, he found himself to be a pee sandwich. Henry had peed through both the comforter and the nice fresh clean sheets. The travesty. The horror. The extra laundry.
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Location:My bed