Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Once and Future Worker

It feels a bit like purgatory, to be between jobs. Held in limbo between what a specific investment of energy and the unknown Next. Looking for work is it's own special kind of hell. Requiring a prostration that other forms of self inquiry do not, because looking for work requires one's critical self-inventory to become public. That self-inventory is dusted off, shook out, polished within an inch of it's life, then presented to unknown authorities for their acceptance or rejection.

Several times yesterday Elliott told me I was "ruining his rep." Really? I wonder, how does one go about ruining a 6 year old's rep? Sigh.

Since two days ago, I found myself without a job, I too have been concerned about my "rep". It was my decision to resign, but I wasn't expecting it to play out as it did. Leaving for reasons other than another job make the "why are you applying" questions that much more difficult. And make the particular part of purgatory I'm in feel hotter, more intense.

So here I go, self-inventory and reputation in hand, to discover if in an employer's eyes my reputation is still intact. And (although this may be overly melodramatic) thereby to be released from purgatory.