In High School, my best friend subscribed to an inordinate number of fashion magazines - not teen fashion, but for real fashion magazines. Many an afternoon was spent pouring over those magazines. Whenever there was a quiz in one, we were quick to whip out our pens to determine our "type".
I'm really no different now! I love taking test, assessments and evaluations. I am really surprised at how well this one has me pegged. Here are my results for being an "Encouraging Director" My personalDNA Report.
I especially love when tips to stretch yourself are included in the assessment. This one encouarges me to spend some time alone, a goal of mine! It says:
"While you are an expert at getting the most out of the world and taking advantage of many experiences, you might gain some insight by taking the time to be alone, reflect on things, or just observe the goings-on in the world."
How do you feel about taking online tests? Post your results in the comments!
I am a benevolent analyst...
This is pretty accurate-- I /do/ have a tendency to overcommit myself to the detriment of my family...
Nik- Pieces of the analyist are you, but I think you sold yourself short on your love of cute shoes... xo