Monday, November 8, 2010


I have a new job. It is largely undefined and amorphic as yet. So up until now, I've been reading and gathering information. I am about to explode with all of this new information. And so much of it is really interesting, so I thought I would share it with you. All four of you who follow me. Smile.

I am working via a grant from the Indiana Associations of United Ways called 4Community2. 4 Community [1, implied] served our county with a clunky nary-used online database for social service agencies to share information. I was a lot of work for an unwieldly project & I see sweat creep across my dear boss' brow when she speaks about it for long.

4 Community2's goals are to provide a neighborhood-based Single Point of Access for services. "What exactly does that mean, Sue?" you ask. Well, I'm so glad you asked. I've learned over the past few weeks that I am merely a channel for bringing about change. Initially, the plan is to work in schools to bring local services and agencies who already provide services out to the county schools and/or into under-served schools and/or neighborhoods in the city of Muncie as well. The grant is funding, among other things, my position as a Community Organizer of Sorts and a new position at Open Door Health Services for an Enrollment Specialist. What I'm finding as I study and research for my job is that there are lots of people interested in this idea, and each person I speak with wants to move the process forward faster than the last. It makes the amorphic and undefined nature of my position infuriating to both myself and the people with whom I speak.

I am reading and gathering information and thinking a lot, but I haven't found an appropriate outlet for what I'm reading. I'm not sure if blogging about it is the best way to process it? But I'm thinking it might be. As of right now I have 4 blog posts in some level of undress/ unpreparedness where I'm trying to work out what I think.

So I guess it begs the question, do you want to join me in working out what I'm thinking or should I just keep it to myself?


  1. I love to read what you have to say... and I'm interested to hear how you work out the amorphous nature of your work. Love you bunches.

  2. Always love to hear your ideas. And don't let Nikki make you think she's the only one who loves you bunches, 'cause I do, too.
